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  • What exactly is in urine? What’s it composed of?
    Urine is a body fluid produced by the kidneys, which contains the excreted wastes. The function of our kidneys is to filter the blood and eliminate waste from our body. Urine is composed of water, electrolytes, and nitrogen compounds, such as urea. It travels from the kidneys, down the ureters, and into the bladder, where it is stored. When we are ready to urinate, the urine leaves the bladder and body through the urethra.
  • Isn't urine a toxic body waste?
    Urine is a blood byproduct and though it contains some body waste, urine is non toxic. In a healthy person the toxins in urine constitute a very small percentage of the total volume. The main purpose of the kidneys is to control the amount of blood and to maintain the pH balance of the blood in the body. The kidneys filter all the blood 60 times a day constantly removing the excess water and those ingredients which alter the pH balance of the blood.
  • What is urine therapy?
    Urine therapy entails using your own urine externally or internally as a way to promote or maintain good health. Sometimes when all else fails, AUT will turn a patient around. The first question that probably comes to mind is whether urine is a toxic substance and how a waste product already excreted from the body can be of any benefit for your health. Urine is NOT a toxic waste product, claim AUT practitioners. They cite that 95 per cent of urine is water, 2.5 per cent consists of urea and the remaining 2.5 per cent is a mixture of minerals, salt, hormones and enzymes. Urine therapy consists of two parts: internal application (drinking urine) and external application (massaging with urine). Both aspects complement each other and are important for optimal results. The basic principle of urine therapy is therefore quite simple: you drink and massage yourself with urine. Toxic substances are being removed from the body through the liver, intestines, skin and through exhalation. The main function of the kidneys is to keep the composition of the blood in optimal balance. Hence the primary component of urine is not toxic at all. Only urea can be poisonous when present in very large amounts in the blood. However, this is irrelevant in the practice of drinking urine, as urine is not immediately put back in the blood stream. When urea gets back into the body in small amounts, it is purifying, clears up excess mucus and has a number of other useful effects. Moreover, it has a wonderful healing and toning effect when applied to the skin. Urine is sterile after secretion and has an antiseptic effect. This holds true for those people who follow a reasonably healthy diet, do not use chemical drugs or allopathic medicines. "In my quest for alternative therapies, I came across urine therapy and found it to be very appealing. Something within me said that this was the right therapy for me," says Salome Roy Kapoor, choreographer, dance and grooming teacher in Mumbai, who is now a full-fledged proponent of the therapy. Although many are hesitant to practise AUT initially, Salome was optimistic. "There was no resistance for me-I had a strong belief that this would make a difference," she says. Dr C.P. Mittal in his book, Miracles of Urine Therapy, speaks about certain doctors in India who believe in AUT but are aware that their patients would not drink it. So when the patient comes for a visit, the doctor would ask for a urine sample. He would take it into the back room, where it is repackaged as medicine, with taste and smell disguised.
  • Wouldn't it be harmful to put those toxins back into the body?
    The toxins found within urine are not enough to be toxic to the body from which it came. Anything that was in your blood cannot be harmful to the person where it came from. Had it been that harmful, that person would have been dead. Besides, the urine you drink does not go directly to the blood stream, first it goes into the digestive system where its ingredients are sorted out. The useful ones are used again (recycled) and the toxins get rejected. When the level of toxins is too high, the toxins stimulate the intestines (lymphatic system) into flushing themselves out to eliminate any stagnated excrements accumulated in the colon.
  • What about doctors claiming that drinking urine will cause cirrhosis of the liver, and harm or paralyze the kidneys?"
    They have a misconception with respect to drinking urine and what role the intestines play in urine therapy. Keep in mind that the organ that removes cellular feces from the blood is the liver. The liver removes this waste, bile, and it dumps it at the beginning of the small intestine to aid in the process of digestion. The urine a person drinks goes into the same spot where the liver discharges the cellular waste, but the toxins urine contains are a very small amount in comparison to what the liver dumps at the same site.
  • Couldn't we filter those toxins out of the urine before drinking it?
    The toxins could be filtered out, but those toxins are necessary to stimulate a cleansing reaction in each individual. Those toxins are also necessary to vaccinate and protect the body from future illnesses. The amount of toxins found in the urine of each person is directly related to the amount of stagnated excrement in his colon. Sometimes these toxins are related to certain foods which are difficult to digest requiring very strong acids that later on find their way into the blood stream. The amount of preservatives a piece of meat has determines the type bacteria required to digest it, that is why it is not healthy to eat too much meat, preserved meat products and cold cuts. This type of bacteria produces very strong acids to decompose flesh which is laying in the colon for too long while being digested, but those acids are toxic even to the intestines therefore the body absorbs them and circulates them in the blood where they cause much less harm
  • Why is it particularly recommended to drink the morning urine?
    The majority of useful, vital substances are found in the morning urine. This is because at night, while you sleep, your body is totally relaxed. This deep relaxation gives the body the chance to carry out its ‘recovery activities’. The decomposition products partly end up in the urine and can be re-absorbed and used for new build-up processes. This process of filtering by the kidneys returns the so-called raw decomposition products to their original substances, which can subsequently be re-absorbed and re-used by the body. Certain hormones are also released during sleep, a number of, which are intended to bring about the above-mentioned deep relaxation. Re-absorbing these hormones ensures that we are more rested during the waking hours. Moreover, it saves the body energy because it does not have to manufacture these hormones again.
  • What about using nutritional supplements such as vitamins etc., when practicing urine therapy?"
    In general it is no problem to combine urine therapy with any other form of natural treatment. This also applies to the use of nutritional supplements as long as they are natural. On should refrain from any chemically manufactured supplements. Experience has shown that the use of vitamin supplements in combination with the practice of urine therapy can considerably cut down the amount of supplements you need to take, because of the recycling effect. Many substances, such as vitamins and enzymes, act as carriers for other substances and after having fulfilled their task they leave the body unaltered. Thus they can be used and taken in again to carry out the same job. Some vitamin supplements contain very high doses of specific vitamins. This can make the urine look very dark and taste and smell very strong. However this is not a problem, although it might be somewhat unpleasant to drink.
  • Doesn’t urine taste disgusting?
    Our aversion to urine is the result of preconceptions and conditioning. We have been taught that urine is dirty. In reality, urine usually does not taste dirty. Many who have been drinking it for some time even think it taste and smells pleasant. The taste of urine partly depends on what you have eaten and drunk the previous day. If you eat a great deal of animal proteins, use a lot of spice or drink strong herbal tea, your urine will probably have a strong taste. Also, when your body is out of balance, i.e. you are sick, urine often tastes stronger than normal. While applying urine therapy it is wise to reduce the intake of especially animal proteins and strong herbs and spices. If you wish to gradually become accustomed to the taste, mix urine with water or mix a spoonful of honey into the urine. In general, taste is subjective. What is delicious to one person is disgusting to another. Furthermore, your taste can change with time. Most people who drink beer or wine for the first time in their life think it tastes disgusting, but after some time they get used to the taste and actually enjoy it. The same is true for olives, blue cheese, etc. Regarding medicine, it is interesting to note that people are willing to ingest the most disgusting tasting drink and pills as long as a doctor prescribes it. Likewise, if you are sick, you might also try to overcome your resistance to the taste of urine. But do it with love.
  • Is there a way to purify the body to improve the taste of urine before starting to drink it?
    Ten percent of the people who start drinking their urine will find it too sour and bitter, even when diluted, and may experience nausea, headaches and other strong reactions before they get used to it and start seeing any results. And again I ask not to despair or give up. Remember that urine is a sample of what is flowing through your veins and repulsive urine should be a motivation to improve the internal conditions, rather than an excuse for not using Uropathy. When your internal conditions are too polluted, you need to purify the body before using Uropathy. However drinking your own urine mixed with juice is the fastest way to accomplish this task.
  • What do you do, if you can’t get over the taste?"
    When it is not possible for you to get used to the taste there are several other ways in which you can take urine into your body. Massaging with urine allows urine to be absorbed into the body through the skin. As far as taking urine in through the mouth, one could dilute it with a lot of water. Initially one could take just a few drops of urine mixed in fruit juice or other fluids. To help make the taste of your urine more acceptable it is wise to experiment with your diet. It is recommended to eat lots of fruits and fresh vegetables and avoid meat, spices, dairy products and carbohydrates. Fruits and vegetables from a healthy diet anyway, and they normally make the urine taste milder and more watery It is then usually easier to drink your urine. For people who feel either occasionally or permanently a strong disgust blocking them from drinking their own urine, we would suggest that it may be worth first trying to discover their personal, psychological relation to urine. Clearing up some deeper issues surrounding body secretions might help to overcome the aversion
  • Can a girl drink her urine during the menstrual cycle?
    Yes, a girl can drink her urine during menstruation. The urethra and the vagina are two different organs. Furthermore, I can assure you that there is nothing in your menstruation fluid that can harm you if you accidentally drink a little of it mixed with the urine. With a little care, you can keep your urine separated from menstruation if you decide to continue drinking your urine during the menstruation cycle. If you are fasting, you must continue drinking your urine during the menstrual cycle.
  • Can a person drink his urine while on medications?
    For all intents and purposes the answer is no because there is the remote possibility of overdosing on a particular medication by recycling the portion of it discharged in the urine. However, you need to differentiate between medications and hormonal supplements because hormones supplements can be taken while drinking your urine. If you choose to drink your urine while on a hormone supplement, you should frequently monitor your hormone intake because as the affected organ improves, the supplement you need has to be reduced accordingly.
  • How come urine appears to be ineffective for some problems?
    Sometimes health problems are associated with mineral deficiencies and they are corrected when you recycle and reuse traces of the specific mineral found in urine. But there are times when there is a chronic deficiency of one or several minerals. In this cases there is none of that mineral in your urine, therefore the problem remains the same, although 20 other conditions may improve. A diabetic person, for example, may need to take chromium for the cells to use blood sugar and vanadium to produce insulin. These supplements may be necessary to eradicate diabetes or any other sugar problem that did not improve with Uropathy.
  • For which illnesses is urine therapy effective and for which is it ineffective? Are there any contra-indications?
    In theory, urine therapy is effective for every illness. Actually, a diagnosis is unnecessary prior to applying urine therapy. This therapy is total treatment aimed at strengthening or recovering the balance in the body. Because there are countless ways in which the balance can be upset, there are also countless illnesses. Medical science has conveniently categorized and named these illnesses. Urine therapy is a very personal treatment and can be applied in many ways. Likewise, an imbalance in the body can occur in countless ways and on different levels. Because the application of urine therapy does not require medication, which goes with a certain symptom, a diagnosis is also unnecessary. Nevertheless, because we are so accustomed to receiving a diagnosis it is for most of us reassuring to know which label is attached to our illness. Furthermore this can also help us in choosing other natural remedies, and these can certainly be used simultaneously with urine therapy. The treatments often support each other. In the Damar Tantra, of which the entire document can be found on this site, combinations of herbal mixtures and urine are often prescribed. Urine therapy can be applied at all times and for every illness, although in a number of cases extra attention. Furthermore pay attention to the degree of acidity of the blood and urine. If the blood is too acidic, the urine might also be rather acidic, which may cause irritations during application. Reduce the degree of acidity by fasting, taking natural medicines and following an appropriate diet (low in protein and vegetarian). So, there are no contra indications but there are certainly conditions under which urine therapy can best applied. Once again one very important condition is the quality and combination of your diet.
  • Should you only use your own urine?
    In theory, it is best to use exclusively your own urine, especially if internally applied. However, if you are in a state of shock and cannot urinate, the urine from somebody else can safely be administered. If possible, use the urine from somebody of the same sex. Different hormones can be in the urine from a male than in that of a female. It is certainly possible to use the urine from other person for massage. The urine from pregnant women is also recommended by some urine therapists in the treatment of certain diseases like infertility, but further research is necessary before we can more about this. According to the latest reports it is almost certain that, HIV cannot be transmitted through urine. Urine from different people usually does not differ much in its ingredients, which is why the urine from one person will also to some extent work for somebody else. However, your own urine contains personal, characteristic substances and provides the particular information the body needs order to carry out the healing process as effectively as possible.
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